In the small groups (max. 6 people), the central element of men's ministry, the focus is on the relationship between us men. We call ourselves "Friends in Jesus". In these small groups, our aim is to encourage, challenge and hold each other accountable. All in the spirit of our guiding verse. Anyone who joins a small group should therefore be prepared to attend the meetings with commitment, to allow themselves to be spoken into life or to practice this with fellow men, to be a host, to take initiative, to experience adventures and much more. The small groups are organized regionally.


Day and time individually - can be requested from the respective leader, usual rhythm: bi-weekly


The small groups meet decentralized and on a rolling basis in the homes of the respective group members


The respective host organizes the evening in consultation with the group leader. There are no limits to the creativity of these evenings. Central elements that are always important to us:

  • Eating together
  • Sharing and prayer
  • Bible study/input
  • Keeping a logbook (commitments, prayer requests/answers, gratitude, etc.)

At the beginning of our time together in the small group, we would like to light a candle or a fire as a sign of our solidarity in a protected setting. This should be a signal that what is discussed in the group is subject to confidentiality and gets us in the mood for the evening.

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